CameraMan Johnny
CameraMan Johnny's Channel
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CameraMan Johnny
Welcome to CameraMan Johnny Productions!! (Formerly RailsandRoads) Here, you will find videos of truckspotting, emergency vehicles, sirens, horns, and lights, as well as trains.. I primarily film in Central Illinois but occasionally make trips to Eastern Iowa, Northern Missouri, and Southern Wisconsin
Videos are filmed with 3 different cameras, a Panasonic Camcorder, Canon DSLR, and my Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra.

Videos are often filmed with other friends/YouTubers, so we may have videos that appear the same..
Most often, you will see me with my good friend of over 10+ years of TommyBNSF

Life outside of YT is VERY BUSY, so there may be gaps or delays in my uploading, I am a truck driver, volunteer firefighter, and freelance photographer. I also run Midwest Towboat Revue and Illinois Valley Fire Photography
Any questions feel free to ask, I also can try to accommodate video requests as long as my time allows it

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