mariofan773's Channel
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I'm just a all around gamer. I'm a big fan of some of the not so well known titles on systems, examples being Rocket Robot on Wheels, Glover, and Mischief Maker for the N64, Chibi-Robo!, Geist, and Viewtiful Joe for the GCN, and Mad World, Klonoa, Muramasa the Demon Blade, and Okami for the Wii, most recently MediEvil. I also enjoy playing Mario Party mostly 2, 3 and 9 with my brother and step siblings. Every once in a while we try to play the other Mario Parties and boy does it go crazy. I also play many other titles such as some of the James Bond titles on the GCN, some Sonic games (Mostly the good ones), co-op's of all sorts (Rayman Origins, Portal 2, Bionic Commando Rearmed, Left for Dead, etc.) and many others.
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