I Film Stuff (History & Mystery Files)
I Film Stuff (History & Mystery Files) 's Channel
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I Film Stuff (History & Mystery Files)
I Film Stuff (History & Mystery Files)
Welcome to I Film Stuff, my history & mystery files shared with you

UK, European and Global historic places. All mysteries that are solved and other's that are yet to be solved. We have treasure hunting and magnet fishing. Anything that has history attached to it

Have you ever wondered any of these questions,
Are Ghosts real? Is the Bermuda Triangle real?
Did King Arthur give the sword to the lady in the lake?
Who built Stonehenge?
Was their another civilization on Earth before us?
What happened to the Dinosaur's?
Are Aliens Real?
Investigations into the Paranormal, real or made to believe?
Abandoned Buildings. Secret Military Bases. Underground buildings. The Titanic.

All content on this channel is for educational purposes and entertainment with some reviews of equipment & content

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