Lauren Passarelli
Lauren Passarelli's Channel
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Lauren Passarelli
Songwriting, recording, production, mini dachshunds, love of The Beatles, creativity, and my creative conversations podcast.


I've been a Professor of Guitar at Berklee College of Music since 1984, a sound explorer since 1969, and writing songs, recording, playing many instruments and just loving making music ever since. I love gear, and sharing what I know and love about the creative process, Artist thriving skills, and anything and everything I'm learning that encourages and inspires me to feel free and create joyously. I don't believe in writer's block. I am a Beatle at heart. I am a creativity coach and mentor and have taught thousands of students.

Check out my playlists for topics that interest you. Visit my website, Read my Guitar Insights books to free yourself to enjoy music again. Find me on TrueFire & JamPlay.

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