Kate Cavanaugh Writes
Kate Cavanaugh Writes's Channel
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Kate Cavanaugh Writes
Kate Cavanaugh Writes
Read. Write. Roam. ☀️
📽 New videos twice a week!

Hi, hey, hello! I'm Kate, an aspiring hybrid author!

For the past few years, I've been making YouTube videos for the authortube community, such as:
- daily NaNoWriMo vlogs,
- an "I Tried Writing Like..." video series where I test out the routines of popular authors,
- monthly writing experiments, ranging from 24-Hour Write-A-Thons to trying to write a screenplay for the first time,
- livestreams with writing sprints,
- honest chats like being scared to say I'm a writer, querying failures, and sharing when my story gets the best of me,
- & a lot more!

Sometimes I also post travel vlogs and booktube content (like my personal favorite series, Cooking With Classics, where I analyze classic novels and discuss how writing and books have changed over time!).

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/katecavanaughwrite...
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katecavanaughw...
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/katecavanaugh
Website: readwriteroam.blog

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