DiabyX's Channel
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Hello there! I'm Diaby! I'm a new digital artist based in Prague. I always had passion for art but I never really decided to fully dedicate my time to it until now.

I never attended any form of school or courses in the past. I used to view art as a side hobby and I didn't make any real attempts to improve. But in second half of 2020 I finally realized that I want to give it real shot. I dived deeper into the world of art and discovered so many amazing artists that made me realize how much more there is for me to learn. I want to be one day amazing as them and hopefully inspire others like they inspired me.

I'd love more than anything for you to join me on this journey. I want to keep learning and improving and contribute as much as I can to this wonderful art community! My ultimate dream is make art as living and create something I can be proud of one day.

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