My life and times as a Biker and Patch Club member, & I'm also here to educate those that are new to the UK motorcycle club scene. First things first, the British club scene is nothing like those found in other countries, how things are done and the club scene in general in the UK is different to elsewhere so never judge the British scene by what you may see in news stories from other countries. I've lived the life to it's fullest over a period of 41 years and in that time I've held many officers positions and seen and heard it all so any advise or thoughts I may give on a subject is from what I've actually seen with my own eyes and heard with my own ears, or lived myself. I don't jazz things up like I'm selling the life or use unnecessary shock to get views, I say it how it is and I keep it real. Be careful who you take advise from regarding clubs as there are many fakers out there who watched Sons of Anarchy, Mayans, or Gangland who now think they're experts on motorcycle club life
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