As the host of Canada's longest running fishing show, Bob Izumi has traveled the globe seeking out exceptional fishing opportunities and for over 25-years he has shared those adventures with anglers from across North America and around the world.
Bob Izumi's top-rated Real Fishing Show is a unique blend of entertainment and information that brings some of the world's greatest fishing to the small screen, from the high Arctic to South America, in freshwater or salt. From tackling tough conditions on local lakes to experiencing the thrill of an exotic fishing trip, if it's about fishing you'll see it on the Real Fishing Show.
Bob Izumi's top-rated Real Fishing Show is a unique blend of entertainment and information that brings some of the world's greatest fishing to the small screen, from the high Arctic to South America, in freshwater or salt. From tackling tough conditions on local lakes to experiencing the thrill of an exotic fishing trip, if it's about fishing you'll see it on the Real Fishing Show.
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