Laurie's Mishmosh
I'm from the United States and have been "learning" piano since I was 7. To me, it's not the years of experience that count. It's trying to improve yourself with each song. I never learned music theory or how to play by ear, so all my messing around has to be with sight reading. It's all about having FUN and trying to make people smile!
I am always up to do a collaboration! The best thing about YouTube has been meeting great people from around the world who just want to make music. Doing "virtual" collaborations has helped me grow as a musician as things like "timing" and "tempo" make a huge difference in your videos. I know I am not perfect, but I love the experience and how it helps me improve each day! If you like the type of music I feature and have a suggestion for us, please feel free to email me!
I am always up to do a collaboration! The best thing about YouTube has been meeting great people from around the world who just want to make music. Doing "virtual" collaborations has helped me grow as a musician as things like "timing" and "tempo" make a huge difference in your videos. I know I am not perfect, but I love the experience and how it helps me improve each day! If you like the type of music I feature and have a suggestion for us, please feel free to email me!
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