Fleece Johnson
Fleece Johnson's Channel
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Fleece Johnson
Back in da prison...BOOTY!..BOOTY was..uh...mo important den food. BOOTY! UH MAN'S BUTT! It was mo important den...I'm serious! Booty..havin sum booty...was mo important....den drinken water mane. I lyke booty.

When I see one...an he looks good to meh. When I go see 'em I say..."U cum hurr!" I say, "Ill tell U what...I like ya...an I want cha! an.. um...we ken do dis tha eazy way or tha hawd way, so da choice is yaws." Right? And it was alwayz "yes." I got no shame in ma gayme, it's juzz nuthin dat I'm ashaymed 2 admit..I am wut I am let dat be known, butt I'm a Warrior 2. 8===D~~~~(_l_)

`"¹li¡|¡|¡il¹"` G.E.T.B.a.C...♥

♥G♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Copy And








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