Meditation Vacation
Meditation Vacation's Channel
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Meditation Vacation
Hi, my name is Christian Thomas, the voice of meditation vacation.
Here, you will find a Guided meditation for deep sleep video that can help to improve relaxation before or as you fall asleep.
I create a sleep meditation each week that can ease your mind of worries, and concerns, helping you to relax your body.
These guided meditation videos will encourage you to rest and feel refreshed, eventually floating into a deep sleep.
There are over 300 meditations on my channel, most of the them are story driven with a little something for you to learn about yourself.
My most popular videos are train journeys and lucid dreaming meditation videos but I also create traditional talk down sessions to ease the mind and body.

Please consider subscribing to be notified of new uploads, I'm also very active and welcome feedback.
Thank you.
#meditation #deepsleep #guidedmeditation #sleepmeditation

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