Dark and Twisted Whisper
Dark and Twisted Whisper's Channel
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Dark and Twisted Whisper
Dark and Twisted Whisper
Attempting to tell a story with no ending, trying to end a beginning before it starts. You know, normal people things, which I 100% am... A human I mean, not a reptilian monster from deep space, why would you ever think that? Weirdo. In any case, how have you been? Good. I'm glad you have all your limbs. Also, I think I should stress that I have two authours in my head, The deep and depressing one and light hearted if sometimes dark humour one. So roll the dice and try not to catch fire... Also if you see me over your bed tonight that means I like you.

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And email me some dank memes: darkandtwistedwhisper@gmail.com
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