☜* Learn all that you can: because if you're scientifically literate, then the world looks very different to you. And it's that understanding my friend, which empowers you *☞
So, when you are studying any matter, or considering any philosophy, ask yourself only:
What are the facts?
And what is the truth that those facts bear out?
On the critical analysis of claims lacking empirical evidence: Requiring proof is a rational position but denial of all those things outside our own limited experience is absurd. Science is more than a body of knowledge..... It's a way of thinking ☺
So, when you are studying any matter, or considering any philosophy, ask yourself only:
What are the facts?
And what is the truth that those facts bear out?
On the critical analysis of claims lacking empirical evidence: Requiring proof is a rational position but denial of all those things outside our own limited experience is absurd. Science is more than a body of knowledge..... It's a way of thinking ☺
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