Solimusi Vocesparalapaz
Solimusi Vocesparalapaz's Channel
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Solimusi Vocesparalapaz
Solimusi Vocesparalapaz
Voces para la Paz (“Voices for Peace”) (Solidarity Musicians) is a humanitarian aid association made up of musicians and people linked to the world of music, whose objective is to raise funds that allow us to carry out solidarity projects around the world. Tens of thousands of people have seen their future changed and started a path of hope thanks to music in countries such as Nepal, India, Peru, Mozambique, Central America, Bolivia, Uganda, Ecuador, Malawi, Niger, Paraguay, DR of Congo, Ghana and Spain.
Every time you watch videos on our SOLIMUSI - VOCESPARALAPAZ channel, you are helping to save lives, since we allocate the funds we obtain from visits on YouTube to solidarity projects.
"Voices for Peace" is the Force of Music for a More Just World.

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