tobimisa's Channel
tobimisa has no videos available.
People always have permission to use my videos as long as it isn't an outright repost (like for a translation into another language, an instrumental, or a cover for instance), I just prefer that you tell me when it's made because I'd like to see it! I also have no problem providing the videos in their full quality or without my subtitles if I still have access to the files. If you're asking for a file do so in an original comment instead of a chain, I'll be much less likely to see it if you're responding to an old comment.

If you can link to or provide a reliable translation then I don't mind taking video requests, otherwise I mostly stick to evillious content !

I'd like to give a special shout out to Pricechecktranslations, Mario Gagabriel, Ichika, and of course Mothy/Akuno_P for making my channel possible.

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