iheartjimothy's Channel
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Watch as I document my attractive adoptee!

My name is Bennifer Reidington Nestokford Esquire IV, and I am a modest, middle-aged, wealthy and lusciously plump man living in a beautiful neighborhood.

Recently I decided to take a risk, and adopt one of those child-persons you often witness on abnormally lengthy, anti-splendiferous infomercials.

Well, it turns out that this one is lovely! I have fallen in love with the handsome young angelboy!

I am here to assert to the world the love I hold for my new internet-adopted chum, Jaroslav Nestokovich, whom I have aptly dubbed as Jimothy!

Who on Earth wouldn't be able to rub his or her elbows upon sight of such a handsome and intelligent and gifted young lad?

FEATURED ON: iCrazyBitchTV | The Gritty Chimp Adult Swim UK Blog | The Bosco and Sodi Pop Show | Maniacal Press | Weird Rap
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