Warrior_of_Doom's Channel
Warrior_of_Doom has no videos available.
Enjoy your life and have fun, treat people with Love, Care and Respect, so we all can have a blast together
PSN ID: Warrior_of_Doom
Game Consoles: PS3 & PS4
Gamer Type: Having fun with friends and I am a completionist meaning I try my best to 100% my trophies on all my games

➳ Full walkthroughs/guides/speedruns done no damage & no deaths / 100% completions
➳ Epic matches with amazing highscores and world records
➳ Top 10 and funny moments
➳ Montages and Compilations
➳ All in 1080 HD edits
➳ Livestreams

Games featured on my channel at the moment:
☆ Uncharted 2 - 3 & 4 - The Last of Us - GTA V - The Division - Until Dawn - Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy - Rise of The Tomb Raider and more..

Huge thanks go to SnowWinterDeity for teaching me everything I know about editing and I owe it all to you for making this possible. You are my inspiration and thank you for everything! You are the best! :D
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