Jonathan Sladko Vlogs
Jonathan Sladko Vlogs's Channel
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Jonathan Sladko Vlogs
Jonathan Sladko Vlogs
I'm daily vlogging my amazing adventures, both in America and abroad!

I am an adventurer at heart, and love YouTube! Through 7 different channels, and since 2009 I have been making videos about whatever I desire. This channel is specifically for my story:

I was born in Fairbanks, Alaska on April 5th, 1998. I lived in Eagle River, Alaska from 2007 to 2018. In May of 2016 I graduated High School and began vlogging about my life in Alaska, and abroad! On November 1st of 2016, I moved out of my parents house, and out on my own. In February 2018 I moved back to my parents house as an interim before going to Central Washington University. CWU ended up being a mistake, so in January 2020 I moved to Grand Forks, North Dakota to attend UND.

My goal with this channel is to share my life with the world, while being a positive influence and a force for good.
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