World of Warcraft Parodies, Video Game Parodies, Gameplay & the occasional Vlog
Battletag - Chia#1144
Yes i do play wow
Server = Shandris-US
Ceschiia - lvl 100 Night Elf Restoration Druid
Bloodchia - Night Elf Frost Death Knight
Horde on another server
Ceschiia - lvl 97 Blood Elf Discipline Priest
(faction changed, and server transferred my alliance priest :D)
Other toons I have at include my Elemental Shaman, Arcane Mage & Demonology Warlock.
Protection Paladin, Assassination Rogue, Mistweaver Monk & Survival Hunter.
My warrior is below 85.
Battletag - Chia#1144
Yes i do play wow
Server = Shandris-US
Ceschiia - lvl 100 Night Elf Restoration Druid
Bloodchia - Night Elf Frost Death Knight
Horde on another server
Ceschiia - lvl 97 Blood Elf Discipline Priest
(faction changed, and server transferred my alliance priest :D)
Other toons I have at include my Elemental Shaman, Arcane Mage & Demonology Warlock.
Protection Paladin, Assassination Rogue, Mistweaver Monk & Survival Hunter.
My warrior is below 85.
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