Another Fishing Show
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Another Fishing Show
Another Fishing Show
There you were minding your own business and enjoying your warm comfortable surroundings, and somehow you ended up here watching Another Fishing Show. We know,­ it’s a lot to take in.

So what exactly is going on here? The truth is, Another Fishing Show is a bit of an experiment. Like a good science project, we’re trying different ideas and seeing what bubbles to the surface. We believe there is much more to fishing than just catching fish and our gut tells us we should make this our focus. We hope you agree.

We strive to tell entertaining stories about unique individuals who have a passion for fishing. We truly believe that angling is as much about people as it is about fish.

So come along as we learn what drives fishermen to go to extremes in their pursuit of the outdoor experience. Maybe we’ll even learn a little more about ourselves and why we’re so nuts about feeling a tap at the end of our line.

Thanks for watching,

Greg & Pete
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