Mr. Burgandy
Mr. Burgandy's Channel
Mr. Burgandy has no videos available.
Mr. Burgandy
Hello All!!! Welcome to my channel and I hope you take a few minutes to browse around and check out my work. I started making YouTube videos in November of 2017 after the Las Vegas Shooting. It seemed to me that the Main-Stream Media had just dropped the subject and was releasing information so it got me researching and here I am today.
I have many interests and hobbies and I am currently branching out into those interest with new videos as you can tell. I love suggestions on videos so please drop me a line anytime and give me a request.
FYI, I know the name "Burgundy" is spelled incorrectly. That was by design as I don't know anything about copyright and infringement issue so I played it safe.....; )~~ I like to say I left the "gun" out of the name....; )~~
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