Killa Tex
Killa Tex's Channel
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Killa Tex
Name: DeWayne Ransom
Alias: Killa Tex
HomeTown: Houston, Texas
D.O.B: September 24
Musical Inspirations: Jazz, Blues, RnB and The Whole H-Town movement period......I luv my city
Genre: Anything musical
About Me: My story a lil different from the others ,,,,,,I've been doing art since I was a kid. Music came into my life when I was13 when that first UGK album came out and I was blown away then I was hooked onhip hop sampled music and art ever since.. I fell in love with Beat Making a while back, I took my Art skillz and converted it into music. I have so much respect for any producer cause this is not a cakewalk lol.
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