JHSHOW1's Channel
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Musicians, Singers - RADIO PROMOTION (Hollywood)
Musicians and singers, promote your gig on The Jeffrey Henderson Show, KLAS 89.7 FM in Hollywood, California, Saturday nights starting at 3:00 PM, both on the radio and worldwide on the Internet at www.klasfm.com/jeff.htm All genres welcome; we are about bringing variety to our audience. Check out our website at www.jeffreywhenderson.com. Our listeners range from age 18 to 70. Production cd provided for your convenience in promoting yourself for future engagements -- cash required to receive the cd right after the show; checks and money orders must clear the bank before we send you the cd via certified mail. 30-day introductory opportunity for new sponsors for 30-second spots on four consecutive shows. E-mail Jeffrey Henderson at jeffreyhendersonshow@yahoo.com, or contact Jeffrey's assistant at, 310-594-2097
Live call in number 323-962-1937
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