Donna Wells Fink
Donna Wells Fink's Channel
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Donna Wells Fink
To learn more join my Facebook groups Beast of Bray Road and Southern Wisconsin’s Wild Ones or SWWO/OMI

Come join me as I look into all things paranormal, from everyone’s favorite hirsute hominid Bigfoot, all the way to the sinister agenda of the greys. Join me as I talk to eyewitnesses of monsters and mysteries and in my quest to find the source of those encounters; let’s question the scientific status quo; and dive deep. Share with me your stories, videos, drawings or photos via email at: or on Facebook at Donna Lea Wells Fink or in our group the SWWO/OMI Southern Wisconsin's Wild Ones/Ohio Michigan Illinois or the Beast of Bray Road where you can toss in your theories, questions and observations and let the discussion begin! I don't allow trolls into my groups so everyone can feel free to share. These are no kill groups!
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