Dmajini, pronounced [Dee-Ma-Jin-Eye].
A portmanteau taken from the English word Dispel and the Japanese word Majinai, (spell/magic). In other words, I intend to dispel the mystical veil over music, government and social propaganda machine.
This channel will be treated as my personal network station. My goal is to entertain, inform and conversate with you... The people!
I'll be letting you know about movies and shows that I have seen. Games will be played and shows maybe attended, (occasionally).
I am a hip hop acolyte, Lord Commander of the Dark Council and you are...
Welcome to the Dispel Breakers!
A portmanteau taken from the English word Dispel and the Japanese word Majinai, (spell/magic). In other words, I intend to dispel the mystical veil over music, government and social propaganda machine.
This channel will be treated as my personal network station. My goal is to entertain, inform and conversate with you... The people!
I'll be letting you know about movies and shows that I have seen. Games will be played and shows maybe attended, (occasionally).
I am a hip hop acolyte, Lord Commander of the Dark Council and you are...
Welcome to the Dispel Breakers!
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