Eric Vardeman
Eric Vardeman's Channel
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Eric Vardeman
The scary part about this is putting your songs out there for anyone and everyone to hear," he said. "Your songs are like your children and if people don't like them or criticize them, you take it personally.

"I'd rather play my music and sing my songs and know I was brave enough to put myself out there and try than spend the rest of my life playing other people's music and never knowing if I had it in me."

For Eric, the allure of songwriting is storytelling.

"I have a pretty vivid imagination," he said. "Thinking up a situation or story in my head and then trying to convey it through music and lyrics is a challenge. A fun challenge but a challenge nonetheless."

Eric's new digital EP, The Raging Sea, is a collection of songs that he's written over the past four years. The collection debuts on 10/01/2014.
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