Une Blonde en Norvège
Une Blonde en Norvège's Channel
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Une Blonde en Norvège
Une Blonde en Norvège
From Paris to Norway
Blog, video podcast, interviews & articles about Norway

My name is Anne-Sophie Drouet, I have been living in Norway since 2014.
I lived 10 years in Paris before moving to Tønsberg in Southern Norway.
I created this podcast to make you want to visit or to discover through my videos this beautiful country.
I'm video editor and after working more than 12 years for a lot of Parisian productions (M6, TF1...) I started to make my own videos.
Crazy about nature and documentaries since always, it's a pleasure for me to join my two passions.
I love photography too and Norway is an idyllic place for nature lovers and breathtaking landscapes.

Images and post-production: Anne-Sophie Drouet via North Philm: www.north-philm.com
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