MadMetalShop's Channel
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~Guns, builds, fabrication tutorials, ect~
I live in the foot hills of Washington state. I like anything American and there is nothing more American than guns, explosions, and more guns. That's what my channel is devoted to. Anything firearms and weapons related .

NOTE: the personality I am portraying in my videos is for childish humor and should not be taken seriously.
All ammunition is REAL! No air soft bullshit!

All fire arms and weapons featured on this channel are 100% legal with state and NFA regulations.

WARNING! Do not do as I do in my videos. I live in a decilate location. Either I'm shooting into a hill side or there is nobody for miles in the direction of fire. Keep in mind that even though it may not appear so, I never point a muzzle in a direction that can cause serious or fatal injury, loaded or not!!!
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