CyberHoudini's Channel
CyberHoudini has no videos available.
COME JOIN THE MADNESS!! An Irish gamer playing since the Amiga days. I make gameplay videos of the biggest releases, whether it's AAA, indie and everything inbetween! I enjoy nearly every type of game and i promise you i will do my utmost to complete any walkthrough i start!

My video schedule is two daily videos, i try to have two series going at a time but that can go up depending on what games are out!!

If you like what you see, hit the Subscribe button so you'll never miss a moment!! Don't forget to smack that like button over the head, with a shovel!! It deserved it, i swear.

I really hope you all get something out of my videos, if i can make someone smile or laugh, even for a second my goal is complete :D
Thank you so much for checking out my channel, it truly means more than you know. I've found something i love doing and i'm going to take this as far as i can!!!

Started making videos on the 16th of March 2016!! :D
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