One video / week, Friday at 10:30 a.m. Who are we?
Find on our channel retrogaming as well as manga and Japanese Anime. Great nostalgic for Club Dorothée, which is also the reason for the name of our site, some videos deal with this program which as a child inspired my profession. * A little more about me: I was born on February 11, 1985 with a neurological malformation of genetic origin recognized as being MDPH (disabled) yet I am not in a wheelchair (disabled without a chair? And yes people do exist ^ _ ^) most people do not know this having the advantage that its cannot be seen by my appearance or my way of expressing myself yet whether it is my treatment and painkillers as well as medical visits, the fact of taking care of * projects like Youtube makes me happy quite simply :) in are a POP-CULTURE chain of old fans.
▶ ️Merciclubdo® is a registered trademark National N °: 184440135 (Bopi) N ° 4440135 (INPI)
Find on our channel retrogaming as well as manga and Japanese Anime. Great nostalgic for Club Dorothée, which is also the reason for the name of our site, some videos deal with this program which as a child inspired my profession. * A little more about me: I was born on February 11, 1985 with a neurological malformation of genetic origin recognized as being MDPH (disabled) yet I am not in a wheelchair (disabled without a chair? And yes people do exist ^ _ ^) most people do not know this having the advantage that its cannot be seen by my appearance or my way of expressing myself yet whether it is my treatment and painkillers as well as medical visits, the fact of taking care of * projects like Youtube makes me happy quite simply :) in are a POP-CULTURE chain of old fans.
▶ ️Merciclubdo® is a registered trademark National N °: 184440135 (Bopi) N ° 4440135 (INPI)
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