CraftedBonus's Channel
CraftedBonus has no videos available.
This is where we will upload some bonus videos, bloopers and such! :D

If you send a message to our channel, only Salted or BouledeNeige will reply. Go to our twitter/facebook page if you want to talk to the other members! :D

(links in the banner on top)

Oh and please, don't ask me to "like" your video and stuff, I can't really do that twenty times a day. Aaaand you can only be in our video with the skin submissions and some servers events that we sometimes do.

Salted: The cow
Tazjuniorr: The pig
BouledeNeige: Colorful guy
Marke002: Naked man
Bluesbreakers: The sheep
Beardpuller: The one with a beard
QcBlastar: The camera suit guy. Who is not our cameraman by the way.

Thanks to WeegeeZ for drawings and stuffs. :3
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