ObiqClan | CLOSED
ObiqClan | CLOSED's Channel
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ObiqClan | CLOSED
Official ObiqClan's Channel
Since 2011

After over 2 years we decided that it'd be the best for everybody close Obiq as a team. It was very funny and enjoyable time! It was nice to meet so many people and that made it so nice to be a part of Obiq ! We always looked on the personalities of the people!
At the beginning we couldn't really keep up to the standards, but after some people joined because we were nice we started growing as a team! But succes has it bad sides and we gathered a huge community of haters, which acutally REALLY helped us to keep motivated!
I just want to say a big thanks to all of you guys for the big support!
I'll never sell this channel or close it, because I'm sure some want to rewatch them.
Obiqwill never be reopened again.

I want to thank all editors who worked on the Cams #1 and on the other episodes. and made it as awesome as it is!
I special thanks to ExT for making an amazing hard work in our cams.I think all of you its better to read..
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