Enuel Caraballo
Enuel Caraballo 's Channel
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Enuel Caraballo
My name is Enuel ( Just say these 3 letters N, U, L)
I am on a journey to finally start writing books and short stories. It has been a passion of mine since I was a child but through life experience I had to put my dream on the back burner and be a provider for my family. Now that I am 43 years old and I am disabled person with Chronic Backpain but writing has been a life line that I felt that I lost.
I know that maybe I would have to go back to work one day but I will find time to write because it is my passion.

I hope you enjoy my videos and my struggles because they will a lot of them but most importantly I will add these videos for me as if no one will ever see them and if I get a follower or two great. I know I have friends that I can talk to and hopefully get advice from.
Thank you and God Bless
- Enuel Writes Books

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