Three truths and a lie:
A. We enjoy chillin' and creating in this household
B. Currently in development of multiple projects, Minecraft included
C. Life isn't hell right now
Eyo, hello to everyone who reads this! This is Aeon/Kami, and I'm getting back into videos! Of any kind, really. Gameplays, lore, yadyadya, uh, yea! Please be patient with me 🙏 it's all in the works
Formerly (and still): xTranssentientx, Kamiya
Mild name crisis aside, I hope you all enjoy the content coming to the channel!
A. We enjoy chillin' and creating in this household
B. Currently in development of multiple projects, Minecraft included
C. Life isn't hell right now
Eyo, hello to everyone who reads this! This is Aeon/Kami, and I'm getting back into videos! Of any kind, really. Gameplays, lore, yadyadya, uh, yea! Please be patient with me 🙏 it's all in the works
Formerly (and still): xTranssentientx, Kamiya
Mild name crisis aside, I hope you all enjoy the content coming to the channel!
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