Mohamed Ahmed
Mohamed Ahmed's Channel
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Mohamed Ahmed
iam mohamed ahmed A YouTube gamer Egypt but he talks English Epic is it.

im 14 years old and i live in Egypt and im a muslim

i have a pc and a smartphone my pc is windows 10 pro 64 bits that i got it from egypt and also i can play pc games or do works or make a project or chat discord for pc or web and whatsapp for pc and web more but good that i don't broke my pc its still working my smartphone is samsung a04e that i got it from egypt too i can use it for playing android games and chat discord for android and whatsapp and i have a facebook user i hope we good friends + i hate bullying and bad jokes and bad words so please be good and never be bad

when i find a game to play or if i know about how to then i get ready to record new videos with microphone or no microphone

please like any of my videos or all and hit that subscribe button and hit the bell for more new videos notifications

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