Stephanie's Footage Archive
Stephanie's Footage Archive's Channel
Stephanie's Footage Archive has no videos available.
Stephanie's Footage Archive
Stephanie's Footage Archive
Every video uploaded to this channel is free to use. Credit isn't required but is much appreciated.

Hey all! My name is Stephanie, my main channel is (@StephanieAwesom), I'd appreciate it if you could check it out.
This channel is a personal project of mine, I'm just going to be uploading segmented recordings (e.g. in Super Mario 64 there would be one video per star) of my playthroughs, and I'll revisit some games I've already finished too!
This is something I'm doing entirely by myself so there won't be as much content as some other channels, but I'll try my best. I also don't have the means to record stuff on platforms other than PS4, but hopefully I can do that eventually.

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