RockOnSapphire Productions
RockOnSapphire Productions's Channel
RockOnSapphire Productions has no videos available.
RockOnSapphire Productions
RockOnSapphire Productions
Welcome to my channel!
This is a side channel of mine - first intended as a gaming channel. Now it has transformed into a channel I rarely ever use, filled with whatever non-editing things I wanna shove in here. Ranging from gaming videos, to absolutely random band related videos.
With better tech at my disposal now, I'm able to record and upload videos more often, but don't expect me to do so. I may or may not remain fairly inactive here, we shall see.
For the time being, this channel will keep its essence as a gaming channel, and I hope y'all enjoy the random content I provide from time to time.

Another thing is that my girlfriend, SapphireSonic, might pop in here and upload her own recorded stuff from time to time. Therefore, this'll also be a shared channel.

For video editing (for these specific, non-effect heavy videos) I use: Sony Vegas Pro 14
For photo editing I use: Adobe Photoshop CS6
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