Wagnercité's Channel
Wagnercité has no videos available.
WELCOME! Very nice of you to stop by here ! .. Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more. --H. Jackson Brown, Jr--. !...If you are kind, honest and considerate to others [ NEVER FORGETTING OUR ANIMAL FRIENDS also ] it will pay you back a million times over !
This channel HAS and will ALWAYS stand for HUMAN RIGHTS for ALL and those of our ANIMAL KINGDOM as well ! This channel is NOT for profit or recognition....ENJOYMENT only !

Most importantly...." BE YOURSELF.....EVERYONE ELSE IS ALREADY TAKEN " [ Oscar Wilde ]
LIFE is not about how much you HAVE, however it IS about how much you GIVE BACK and what you do on your journey while you are here ! Make your " FOOTPRINT " count !

I wish you a very pleasant visit while you are here ! Kindest regards and respect for ALL and once again BIENVENUE to my channel !!
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