CharlesCBernardo's Channel
CharlesCBernardo has no videos available.
An animator who makes animations about anything that pops into his head.

Q: What do you use?
A: Software: Adobe Flash, Swivel, Audacity / Hardware: XP-PEN Artist 24 Pro, RØDE NT2‑A, Focusrite Scarlett Solo
Legacy: (Yiynova MSP19U, Asus Eee Slate EP121, Blue Snowball Microphone)
Q: Do you do requests/commissions? / Can you do ___ next?
A: No, I currently don't do requests/commissions.
Q: I wanna animate! How do I start?
A: Get a cheap tablet and at least a decent mic, and try out free animation software like Synfig or Pencil2D.
Q: Can I react/fandub your animations?
A: Sure! Just be sure to link the original video and my channel in the description/annotation/end card in the video!
Q: Can I voice in your animations?
A: As of right now, I am currently not seeking voice actors. If the opportunity comes I will notify on Twitter if I am searching for people. (Also 18+ Only)
Q: How do I contact you or ask additional questions?
A: Twitter! (
Channel Comments
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