lonestarrider's Channel
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My son was diagnosed with diabetes type I in 2003. Three years ago he blacked out and died in a fiery car wreck. This has been heavy on my mind, was there something that I could have done to prevent that from happening? I came up with many scenarios, but there was really nothing I could have done to prevent my son from dying.

I have decided that I could help in trying to prevent this from happening to somebody else. I've done a few things to raise some money for the ADA, but nothing really major. I had a dream In the second week of January 2018 that I was raising money riding my motorcycle all over the country & that I raised $90,000.00. I thought this is a great idea so I'm pursuing it.

Journey along with me on the ride of my life, as I travel around the country on my motorcycle, raising awareness, & my goal to raise $90,000.00. See the incredible roads I will travels, the amazing people I meet along the way, at events, recording videos & taking photo.
#AvantLink #1359893

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