Infinite Toast
Infinite Toast's Channel
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Infinite Toast
Video gaming and toast. These two things are as alike as video gaming and an entirely other form of bread-based breakfast food. Nevertheless, here at Infinite Toast, with one hand gripping a controller and the other brushing crumbs from our laps and enthusiastic facial hair, we strive to inject humour, gripping action and the occasional bout of debilitating madness into the Youtubeosphere.

So strap yourselves in, on or around, grab a cup of hot beverage and join us. I mean, you don't have to...we're not going to tie you down and force you to watch the show...not now John is back on his meds. I promised him I wouldn't talk about it.

Okay...I'll just say that the lawsuits have been dropped and the doctors think that, as long as the sandwich can be safely removed there's a 60-80% the other guy will walk again.

So, yeah.

Please follow and subscribe and all that. It would be most awesome of you.

Toast out
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