AverageStudio, aka the place where all the AverageS gather.
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ㅤㅤ LEADERS { masters of averageness } |
ㅤㅤ ; FruityTootyFabulouis { louise } - 11th of November
ㅤㅤ ; kuudai { ashley } - 24th of April
ㅤㅤ MEMBERS { students of averageness } |
ㅤㅤ ; ixRewind { aly } - 11th of March
ㅤㅤ ; PerfectMaple { ari / gian } - 4th of April
ㅤㅤ ; herGladiator { bekah } - 9th of January
ㅤㅤ ; iKingKaiix { kai } - 13th of May
ㅤㅤ ; ImmaT0p { enu } - 9th of July
ㅤㅤ ; xTwizzles { cynthia } - 11th of November
ㅤㅤ ; sydneythepup { sydney } - 22nd of December
ㅤㅤ ; SM1LE { ivy } - 8th of December
ㅤㅤ ; leanice { jojo } - 4th of March
ㅤㅤ ; SimplyBunnyy { addi } - 25th of February
ㅤㅤ ; Chiyukiie { anni } - ??? of ???
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ㅤㅤ LEADERS { masters of averageness } |
ㅤㅤ ; FruityTootyFabulouis { louise } - 11th of November
ㅤㅤ ; kuudai { ashley } - 24th of April
ㅤㅤ MEMBERS { students of averageness } |
ㅤㅤ ; ixRewind { aly } - 11th of March
ㅤㅤ ; PerfectMaple { ari / gian } - 4th of April
ㅤㅤ ; herGladiator { bekah } - 9th of January
ㅤㅤ ; iKingKaiix { kai } - 13th of May
ㅤㅤ ; ImmaT0p { enu } - 9th of July
ㅤㅤ ; xTwizzles { cynthia } - 11th of November
ㅤㅤ ; sydneythepup { sydney } - 22nd of December
ㅤㅤ ; SM1LE { ivy } - 8th of December
ㅤㅤ ; leanice { jojo } - 4th of March
ㅤㅤ ; SimplyBunnyy { addi } - 25th of February
ㅤㅤ ; Chiyukiie { anni } - ??? of ???
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