Uchiah-san's Channel
Uchiah-san has no videos available.
Hi, I'm Uchiah-san!

What you need to know about my channel:
- it's mainly Nightcore uploads.
(new style every upload, and every month there are like 3-7 uploads, because of blocks, laziness, gaming, real-life work, studying etc.)

- and there are occasional Lo-fi Livestreams.
(announced beforehand in Discord Server and Community Tab, mostly Saturdays and Sundays starting anywhere around 9:00AM to 12:00PM UTC)

- I just like to edit for fun, so everything is copyrighted to their original owners, with no intentions of profit-making or monetizing, in other words, papa no make-y money nor does papa have any intention to!
(honestly, I upload just to relieve stress and maybe to improve my editing skills and, for me, Nightcore is a good style for me right now and I enjoy Nightcores)

Server name: Uchiah-san (節子の宮殿)
Server link: https://invite.gg/dreamrealm

Reach out to me on Discord @Uchiah-san#1516
Tweet me @lofi_setsuko

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