LHOHQ archive | Videos and pages
LHOHQ archive | Videos and pages's Channel
LHOHQ archive | Videos and pages has no videos available.
LHOHQ archive | Videos and pages
LHOHQ archive | Videos and pages
Here you will find an archive of web pages from LHOHQ (LAUGHING HORSES ORIFICE HEADQUARTERS) and an assortment of videos. Since the website (found here: http://lhohq.info/lhohq.html)is quite confusing, disturbing and maybe dangerous, we have gone through and found videos, images etc.
Things we are finding:
Hidden and secret links, text within the code.
New web pages.
Things we want to know:
Is it an ARG?
How many Pages are there in total?
Things we dont recommend doing:
Contacting the people behind LHOHQ.
Also consider subscribing, I'm risking my sanity and PC going through this site. :)))

Pls dont copyright strike me LHOHQ!!!

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