FateTRSC's Channel
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Hey people from around the globe,

Name: Timmie Ng
Nickname: FateTRSC or FateTSC
Age: 28 years old
Occupation: AMV Editor, 3D & 2D Animator, Compositor After Effects, AMV staff (Ani-nation)
Sport: Wushu (Jing Wu school The Netherlands)
Country: The Netherlands
City: Haarlem
Website: www.timmieng.nl

FAQ (Frequently asked questions)
Q; Can I have your e-mail address, Skype or other social media accounts?
A: Yes it can but you have ask first then I share it to you.

Q: Can I upload video's of your work like Anime Music Video's, Live-action video's or Animation productions?
A: Sure as long you credit me in the video then its fine?

Q: For AMV editors or Studios are you always acceptable for joining studios?
A: No at this moment I'm already in the Studio's my interest is still only individual AMV editing.
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