PlumeProject's Channel
PlumeProject has no videos available.
Plume is a place where amazing editors come together and make more than just a video: we create art. Plume is about pushing the limits of creativity and using the imagination to construct something amazing. We focus primarily on MMV editing.

Rather than label ourselves as a studio or MEP group, we like to think of ourselves as a group striving for perfection and a space for artistic freedom to flourish.

(^This description does not refer to fadingforya ok ty)

(^excuse Anna, she's being stupid cos we all know she's amazing ok ty --Mez)

The Members:
- Artie | kaetzuu
- Mez | mysticalmists
- Anna | fadingforya
- Chrissy | TheSummelBaerli
- Thea | shioruki
- Fi | MsChachufi
- Emmi | mephirin
- Eli | MentaIprodigy
- Roxy | bluuwy
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