Svilen Pronev
Svilen Pronev's Channel
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Svilen Pronev
On my channel you will find a selection of Latin American, Contemporary, and Classical guitar repertoire played and recorded by me. I now play guitars made by Toronto luthier Robert England as well as vintage Japanese classical guitars from the 1970s.

Also on my channel you will find recordings of me practicing Chinese internal martial arts (and more specifically Liang Style Bagua Zhang). I teach Bagua Zhang following the completion of an instructor certification with Internal Arts International in New York City in February 2016 under the guidance of Tom Bisio.

For classical guitar recording I now use two APEX-460 condenser microphones. I feed the sound from the microphones into two ART Tubepac pre-amps and then into a Mackie mixer. The Pinnacle Studio software is used to capture the video/audio and enhance the sound.
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