George Escobar
So you have made it to my channel. If you landed here from ComedicEinstein then you know that I am the one who has been putting together his intros that you have seen in his videos & would like one seminar to his. The good news is that yes you can have an intro like his the bad news is that it wont look like his. Now if you are here because my good buddy Nevin sent you then you are also looking for one of the many Promos that I have put together for him as well same rule apply's to his they will be similar in style but the end product will be slightly different. Yes many of the videos you will find here on my page are all over the net & also on here ("YouTube") but many of them require that you have "After Effects" & the time to wait for the video to render. I can do all the work for a very small price & you don't have to break your head to get it done. Just head over to my site place your order & by in the morning you will have your intro. It's that simple.
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