The John Life
This youtube channel is dedicated to my current life and the hopes of it changing it for the better. I hope to show real true life stories and experiences for people to be inspired. its not scripted. its all real. its also very unpredictable. its going to be an interesting journey into the future that i hope becomes a very successful one. please watch my journey and support me through the way.
if you really want to help me please donate at this link. I had to be convinced to do donations. but then i saw a man who has sponsors for his vidoes and the man is an engineer! now i'm asking to help my future journeys.
Thank you for supporting #TheJohnLife
You will some of my my finds for now for sale here:
if you really want to help me please donate at this link. I had to be convinced to do donations. but then i saw a man who has sponsors for his vidoes and the man is an engineer! now i'm asking to help my future journeys.
Thank you for supporting #TheJohnLife
You will some of my my finds for now for sale here:
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