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As children, we have many things to look forward to like the first day of school, having a sibling, birthdays and Christmas. These days most people, even kids, are only excited by electronic devices. All these devices that were created to bring us together and teach us, have succeeded in making it easy to keep people apart.
When I was a little boy, there was no greater moment than receiving a brand new toy. I would call my friends over and we would open them together. We would play and talk for hours. The toys of our generation were extremely important, they were links to our favorite stories, ways to connect with friends and learn to share or company on a cold day stuck inside. As a huge comic fan, all my favorites were the coinciding action figures. As I grew older my fondness for those stories got stronger and I developed a clearer idea of what i liked and wanted to acquire. With that in mind, it is my wish to return toys and togetherness to the forefront of collecting and gaming.

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